Zarin Binder Plus

Immediate reduction of milk aflatoxin

Zarin Binder Plus is a reliable toxin binder based on special aluminum silicates and bacteria that decompose fungal toxins. The aluminum silicates that make up this product are selected from rare mineral veins based on more than a decade of research activities and the production of single-component and multi-component toxin binders. When the contamination of livestock and poultry feed inputs with Aspergillus fungi and aflatoxin is severe, the use of this product can improve the conversion rate and prevent losses in poultry and control milk aflatoxin and improve feed efficiency in livestock.

مکانیسم اثرگذاری

Aluminum silicates in the composition of Zarin Binder Plus, having the highest aflatoxin absorption capacity, prevent high concentrations of toxins from entering the bloodstream and reduce metabolic pressure on vital organs such as the liver. Also, the microorganisms in Zerin Binder Plus neutralize the aflatoxin in the digestive juice of the digestive tract by producing enzymes, and in this way, by gradually reducing the concentration of the toxin, they prevent the negative effects of aflatoxin on other beneficial microorganisms of the digestive tract.

Features and benefits of the product

  • tik Immediate reduction of aflatoxin in livestock milk
  • tik Reducing digestive problems and losses due to the mold of inputs in storage
  • tik Protection of the liver, kidney and digestive system of animals against aflatoxins
  • tik Improving the performance of the immune system in the conditions of contamination of inputs with aflatoxin
  • tik Prevention of the negative effects of polar fungal toxins on the economic efficiency of the herd

Recommendations and dosage

Poultry: 5 kg per ton of feed

Dairy cows: 6 to 8 kg per ton of concentrate

Livestock: 5 kg per ton of concentrate

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